On our first day in Busan, we enjoyed buskers at Busan Station before my first ever anywhere subway ride. I was over the moon happy, as In Texas, the only things below ground are sleeping cicadas and  tornado shelters.

Lunch was delicious pork soup at BonJeon Pork Soup restaurant, one of those you have to stand in line for. Totally worth it!  And it was a good thing we filled up our tanks well, because we burned those calories off fast and furiously for the rest of the day.

A visit to the 168 Stairs (which we decided to ride up on a tiny tram rather than walk up) brought us to a delightful harbor view and just a bit further on, a tiny museum where I got to dress up as a Korean haksaeng, which means student. 

View of Busan Harbor at the top of the 168 Steps.

Continuing up the hill we visited a coffee and teahouse called Cafe Choyrang 1941 (built by the Japanese in 1941), where a scene from Just Between Lovers was filmed. We left feeling refreshed and ready for a visit to Huinnyeoul Culture Village with its hodgepodge house-lined walkway perched along the top of the cliff.

Busan Fishcake Factory, the oldest in Busan, was our next stop before we decided to prowl the Bosudong Book Street. I purchased a book called “Kangaji DDong” (Puppy Poop), complete with a pooping puppy on the front—my first Korean reading material!

Armed Puppy Poop, we checked out the Bupyeong Night Market which went on for blocks, a colorful and mysterious food wonderland for a girl whose most exotic shopping happens at Trader Joes! It was getting late when we left, but we spotted the Busan Tower peeking over the buildings a few blocks away, and of course, there was no leaving that behind.

So, about thirty flights of stairs later (my app says so anyway), we made it up the hill to Busan Tower where we enjoyed some beautiful night views of the city and the Busan Harbor Bridge. Lots and lots of photography happened. By the time we got back to our Air BnB it was after midnight, and I fell asleep with my phone in my hand and my finger on the keyboard in the middle of a post…

Night View of Busan Harbor from Busan Tower.