In spite of getting back from Busan Tower so late the night before, Yoojin, SongEe, and I decided to rise at o’dark thirty for a sunrise experience at the Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, perched at the ocean edge.

We were feeling pretty pooped on the drive there, but watching the sunrise, exploring the temple and visiting the nearby stacks of rocks filled and energized us.

Stacked rocks at Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.

Renewed and ready for the day, we returned to our Air BnB to further transform ourselves with hot showers and fresh makeup before setting out to have lunch at Alcheon Soondae and Gopchang Restaurant where Billie and I were introduced to blood sausage and intestines. Although a wee bit hesitant (well, okay, a lot), we earned points for eating well and trying new things.

On our walk back from the restaurant, we came upon a quirky and fun installation at the Busan Metropolitan Police station. I love art wherever I find it and this was a real eye-catcher! Those guys sure have a dramatic sense of humor!

The United Nations Memorial Cemetery was next. It was large, beautifully maintained, and represents quite a few countries that participated in providing assistance during the Korean War. We walked and walked to see as much of it as we could. By the time we left, it was late afternoon and time for a snack.

To top off our day out, we stopped in at the Haeundae Camelia OPS Bakery for some tasty treats and then walked over to the Bay 101 Yacht Club to watch the sunset in a lively holiday setting along the harbor—so different from the start of our day and just as lovely in its own way.

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