Our last morning on Jeju was spent at the delightful Cafe The Container, perched at the edge of a Jeju mandarin orange orchard. It really looked like a citrus container, and it reminded me of childhood road trips where it was no surprise to come across a gas station shaped like a dinosaur or a donut shop with a giant donut on top. I was enchanted!

You enter Cafe the Container from the top and order your drinks then proceed downstairs and wait for the staff to deliver them to you via a tray on a pulley system. So clever and entertaining! From the bottom floor, you can enjoy your drink while looking out over the orchard, or you can go out and play in it and take pictures to your heart’s content, which we did!

Before we knew it it was time to snag a quickie takeout lunch, return the rental car and catch our flight to Seoul. As we approached the airport, I was struck by how impressive Seoul was from the air with hundreds of tall buildings spreading in all directions from the river. I could hardly wait for the plane to touch down so we could begin exploring!

In the orchard, Cafe The Container, Jeju

When we arrived, our friend Yoojin’s mother took us out for a delicious course meal and then we made trip to the nearby Changdeokgung Palace. It was dark and the lighting on the palace grounds created a timeless feel as if I might at any moment spot a Joseon king with his entourage or a government official coming around a corner.

Indeed, many kings of the Joseon Dynasty enjoyed living in Changdeokgung Palace over the years, and for 270 years it was the seat of the Joseon government. There was a lot to see, and we saw as much as we could until the biting cold sent us scrambling for the warmth of our Seoul Air BnB, a hot decaf, and a good night’s sleep.

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